
Does your dog like to get into little nooks? Curl up under the recliner when your feet are up? Get behind the couch in the smallest possible spot? Well, that’s your dog natural denning instinct coming into play! We want our dogs to be comfortable, warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but still able to provide them with a cosy nook to curl up in.

Our TreadBeds provide everything we have said and more! Yes, we make beds using recycled tyres! Environmentally friendly, 100% recycled, and the best part is; Your dog will love it! Your dog will be able to curl up in the tyre and lean up against it while it lays back with its head over the edge watching the world go past. We make them for small dogs, big dogs, old dogs and young dogs.

Each TreadBed comes with a cushion insert for extra comfort. If you have an older dog who needs a little bit more comfort we can make your bed with some extra padding, all you need to do is ask!

$150.00 each


Did you know…

Around two thirds of used tyres in Australia end up in landfill, are illegally dumped or have an unknown fate? In Australia each year, approximately 50 million tyres reach the end of their purpose and only 16% of these are domestically recycled.

Tyres that have reached the end of their purpose can often be stockpiled which can create a fire hazard and if burnt, can release toxic gases. Stockpiled tyres can also present an ideal breeding habit for vermin and pesky mosquitos.

Each common tyre contains approximately 1.5kg of steel, 0.5kg of textiles and 7kg of rubber… this represents health and environmental issues as well as a waste of resources if disposed of inappropriately.

Our TreadBeds use these resources to create beds for your furry friends that they will love and all the while, helping the environment!